Completed Projects

Support with National Association of Energy Companies’ Accreditation

Assisting an Energy Service Company with meeting the NAESCO accreditation requirements, including providing M&V support, ensuring compliance with industry standards and conducting training for staff. (June, 2022 to the present)

Verification of Efficiency Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio for the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market (EVT: Program Years [PY] 2009-2020, BED: PY2009-2021)

Conducted multiple evaluation cycles to verify Efficiency Vermont’s and Burlington Electric Department’s efficiency portfolios for the FCM, meeting the guidelines established by ISO-New England. (Most recent reports - EVT: July 29, 2022, BED: August 1, 2023)

Vermont Gas Systems, Verification of VGS Annual Savings (PY2021-2022)

The primary objective of this evaluation was to estimate the program and portfolio annual and peak day Mcf realization rates associated with VGS reported savings. The West Hill Energy team also reviewed VGS’s progress in meeting the quantifiable performance indicators (QPIs) established by the Vermont Public Utilities Commission and provided recommendations to address ongoing issues with project documentation and analyses in order to streamline verification efforts. (July 26, 2023)

Vermont Gas Systems, Verification of VGS Annual Savings (PY2021-2022)

This project had two components: review of a recent impact evaluation of residential heat pumps and a comparative study of heat pump evaluations in the Northeast. The impact evaluation was primarily based on a consumption analysis and West Hill Energy provided substantial feedback on the methodology, which improved the final evaluation report. (August 22, 2022)

NYSERDA, Impact Evaluation Review and Heat Pump Comparative Study (PY2021)

This project had two components: review of a recent impact evaluation of residential heat pumps and a comparative study of heat pump evaluations in the Northeast. The impact evaluation was primarily based on a consumption analysis and West Hill Energy provided substantial feedback on the methodology, which improved the final evaluation report. (August 22, 2022)

Consolidated Edison, Marketplace Impact Evaluation (PY2020)

West Hill Energy and its subcontractor Opinion Dynamics teamed to complete an investigation of the in-service rate (ISR) of measures sold through the online Marketplace. Performed a survey of participants, data review, time-based review, and prescriptive review of the program. Provided recommendations on documentation improvements, pack-size, and alternative strategies for calculating lifetime savings. (September 10, 2021)

Consolidated Edison, Smart Kids Energy Efficiency Program (PY2020)

Performed literature review, assessment of program changes, data review, and prescriptive review of the program. (June 30, 2021)

Consolidated Edison, Training for Commercial and Industrial Staff on Evaluation Methods (2021)

Provided training, support, and guidance on evaluation of the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) sector to Consolidated Edison’s program staff. Through this training, program staff were assisted in improving program estimates of savings and informed on how impact evaluations are conducted. Six interactive webinars were hosted remotely. Topics included evaluation methods, insights into common issues that affect savings, lifetimes and effective useful life, baselines, and in-project sampling. Consolidated Edison staff responded with positive feedback. (May 2021)

Consolidated Edison, Aquanta Pilot Impact Evaluation

Estimated annual gas savings due to controllers as well as savings from gas DR events. Analysis by quarter, with baseline week in each quarter by turning off controls. DR savings calculation included assessment of snapback in 24 hours after events.

Consolidated Edison, Multifamily Program Virtual Inspection Process Evaluation PY2020

Consolidated Edison, Multifamily Program Virtual Inspection Process Evaluation PY2020 Con Edison contracted with West Hill Energy and its subcontractor Opinion Dynamics to complete a process evaluation of Con Edison’s MF program. Performed data review, program stake-holder interviews, surveyed contractors, and participants researched similar programs, and provided recommendations to improve documentation.

Consolidated Edison, Smart AC BYOD PY2019 Impact Evaluation

Analysis of demand reduction events using manufacturer data. Tested multiple baseline options for the DR events. Compare and report savings and opt-out rates by manufacturer.

Consolidated Edison Pilot Residential Weatherization Program 2018 Preliminary Impact Evaluation Final Report

Conducted site visits to install meters and survey participants. Estimated savings using billing analysis, metered data, and AMI data. Compared usage and savings analyses with 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of post period data providing insights to the tradeoffs in accuracy and uncertainty that occur with different periods and sources of post-installation data.

Con Ed Multifamily Program One-Pipe Steam Expanded Literature Review Findings (PY2017-2018)

Conducted billing analysis on one-pipe steam measures for PY2017 to PY2018. Performed in-depth literature review, researched similar programs, and provided recommendations for modifications to the program approach and guidelines to improve the efficiency of one-pipe steam systems.

Verification of Efficiency Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio for the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market

New EnglandConducted multiple evaluation cycles to verify Efficiency Vermont’s and Burlington Electric Department’s efficiency portfolios for the FCM, meeting the guidelines established by ISO-New England. (2009 through the present)

Publications: “Demand Reduction in the Forward Capacity Market: Expectations & Reality” (2011 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference) and “ Demand Reduction in the Forward Capacity Market: Verifying the Efficiency Power Plant” (2009 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference)

NYSERDA 2010-2013 Home Performance with Energy Star Impact Evaluation

Performed a multi-stage evaluation, including billing analyses, investigation into accuracy of program savings, estimating audit-only savings and developing the Barriers Approach, an innovative approach to quantifying program influence. (August, 2016)

Publication: “Breaking Down Barriers: An Alternative Method to Measure Program Influence” (2016 International Energy Policy and Programme Evaluation Conference, Amsterdam)

Verification of Efficiency Vermont’s Stipulated Lighting Portfolio for the ISO Forward Capacity Market

city bulbEstimated the gross peak demand reduction for lighting projects using the coincidence factors from a recent regional study, focusing on quantity installed, baseline and efficient case assumptions. (March, 2015)

Evaluation of New York Statewide Residential Gas High-Efficiency Heating Equipment Program

Developed an innovative hybrid approach combining billing analysis and engineering algorithms to estimate savings impacts of the New York Residential Gas High-Efficiency Heating Equipment Programs. Subcontractor to Opinion Dynamics Corporation. (August, 2014)

Publication: “Baseline or Bust: Calculating Savings for a Residential Heating Equipment Program” (2015 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference)

Risk Analysis of Efficiency Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio for the Forward Capacity Market Impact Evaluation

Quantified the risk associated with the components of EVT’s portfolio for the purposes of identifying which components represented high risk and therefore should be prioritized for evaluation. (February 2013)

NYSERDA 2007 to 2010 Commercial and Industrial Existing Facilities Sector Nonparticipant Spillover and Market Effects Study

Quantified the nonparticipant spillover in the C&I existing facilities market, including a self-report approach and a cross state study based on surveys of contractors and building owners. Subcontractor to Energy Resource Solutions (ERS).

Publication: “Top Down and Bottom Up: Market Effects and Program Attribution in the Commercial and Industrial Market” International Energy Policy and Programme Evaluation Conference, Berlin, 2014.

Efficiency Vermont’s Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (HPwES) Program Impact Evaluation (2012-2013)

Primary lead for the impact evaluation component to estimate gross savings from electricity and unregulated fuels using billing analysis for EVT’s HPwES Program. Subcontractor to GDS Associates. (May, 2013)

Impact Evaluation Vermont Gas Systems’ Residential Programs

Led the impact evaluation component to estimate gross savings from natural gas using billing analyses for VGS’s residential programs. Subcontractor to GDS Associates. (December 2012)

NYSERDA New Construction Program (NCP) Impact Evaluation Report for Program Years 2007 – 2008

scatterConducted the sampling and assisted with the evaluation design and the NTG analysis to estimate the gross and net savings from this C&I new construction program, including the development of an innovative approach to estimate net savings at the project level (modeled partial net). West Hill Energy was subcontractor to Megdal Associates and worked with lead evaluator Cx Associates. (August, 2012)

Publication: “Compared to What? An Alternative Strategy for Estimating Commercial and Industrial New Construction Baselines” (2013 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference)

Efficiency Vermont’s Annual Savings Verification

graphPerformed the annual verification of Efficiency Vermont’s savings, consisting primarily of a paper review, analyzing savings from the program tracking system, conducting project-level reviews and performing billing analyses for specific projects. (2002 through 2015)

NYSERDA Energy $mart Focus Benchmarking of Institutions and Commercial Real Estate Impact Evaluationn

Worked with the lead evaluator to design and implement this study to estimate the savings from benchmarking based on telephone surveys and engineering estimates. Subcontractor to Megdal Associates (September 2012)

NYSERDA R&D Demonstration Survey Report

trianglesEstimated gross and net impacts for the NYSERDA demonstration projects and replications completed as part of the R&D Demonstration program. Subcontractor to Megdal Associates. (September 2012)

Publication: “R&D Methods and Approaches: Impact Evaluation of an R&D Demonstration Program” (IEPPEC, 2013)

NYSERDA 2007-2008 NEW YORK ENERGY STAR® Homes Program Impact Evaluation Report, September 2012

hand houseAssisted lead evaluator GDS Associates with estimating the gross and net savings for this residential new construction program, using billing analysis, telephone surveys and on-site surveys. Subcontractor to Megdal and Associates (September, 2012)

NYSERDA 2007-2008 EMPOWER NEW YORK Program Impact Evaluation Report

Lead evaluator, estimated the gross and net savings from the EmPower residential low income retrofit program using a combination of billing analysis and surveys. Subcontractor to Megdal and Associates. (April, 2012)

Vermont Geo-targeting Evaluation, January 2011

Conducted the impact portion of the evaluation of Efficiency Vermont’s geo-targeting initiatives in five transmission and distribution areas of the state. Subcontractor to Navigate.

Publication: “Reducing T&D Investments through Energy Efficiency: An Impact Assessment”

PY2008 Impact Evaluation of the California Low Income Energy Efficiency Program

Estimated the natural gas and electric savings of the California LIEE program using billing analysis. West Hill Energy was subcontractor to EcoNorthwest. (June, 2011)

Evaluation of the California 20/20 Demand Response Program, June 2006

Estimated savings from the 20/20 program, which provided reduced bills for residential and small C&I customers who reduced their energy use by 20% in comparison to the year before. Subcontractor to Wirtshafter Associates.

Publication: “Desperately Seeking Savings from Small Scale Demand Response: The California Experience”